Dear teachers,
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful, restful summer vacation that allowed you to disconnect from work and reconnect with family and friends.
I wanted to take the time to wish you a fantastic 2022-2023 school year with your students and your colleagues. As always, I will do my best to provide you with information, resources and support. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or via Teams if you have any questions or requests.
Attached you will find two items: (1) The first is a document with some Back-to-School ideas. (2) The second is a Microsoft Office PowerPoint template that can be used to introduce yourself to your students. These documents were shared with you last August, so they may look familiar. They are also available in the following Secondary ESL SharePoint folder: Back to School
Lastly, if possible, please invite any new ESL colleagues to communicate with me so that I can add them to my contact list and keep them informed. Thank you.
Have a great year!